The District has a sanitary sewer collection system comprised of approximately 43,160 feet of gravity sewer piping ranging in size from 8 inches to 24 inches in diameter and close to 350 manholes.  The system is designed to collect wastewater from residents and commercial entities and transport it to the wastewater treatment plant. The majority of this system was constructed of reinforced concrete and clay pipe in the 1970s. Concrete pipe can experience aggressive deterioration from the corrosive environment created by the sewer gases.  Several years ago, the District developed a planned phase approach to complete the needed rehabilitation to the system and to ensure it will continue to operate reliably.  The District has performed investigations and repairs on a portion of the system, but a substantial amount remains.

Currently, the District is conducting an evaluation of the entire system to assist in prioritizing the next phase for rehabilitation.  The work involves televising and smoke testing various areas throughout the District.  A contract has been signed with a company with many years of experience in this type of work – AAA Flexible Pipe.  This Contractor will be working throughout the neighborhood during April 2019 until these services are complete.

More detailed information will be placed on your door in advance of this work is done in your area.  With the equipment, there is some noise and the potential for chemical odor/smoke.  Every attempt will be made to complete the work efficiently and with as little impact on the community as possible.